| Sunday
WOW Next Bible Study:
January 17, 2015
Children Of The Day
"The LAW was given through Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ." (John 1:17)
The Law came through a servant, the LOVE came through The Son of God. The God who "so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." Jesus.
We’ve seen the transformation each and every time – women who came to us full of doubt and uncertainty become secure in the knowledge of the TRUTH. They have a rightful place in the heart of God’s LOVE. The change may start slowly – in a Bible Study class or small group participation, perhaps – but once it begins, it picks up speed. The good works, shared experiences, time spent in prayer – all bring us closer to our highest calling.
Take the first step toward personal renewal –
Big Island WOW
Women Of The Word